Building on Inspiration: Our Senior Kindergarteners Collaborate on a Monet Masterpiece

Continuing their exploration of Claude Monet's art, our Senior Kindergarten students were presented with images of Monet's artwork. They were challenged to create a collaborative masterpiece big enough to cover an entire wall using all the brushes, palette knives, paints, and a large recycled cardboard.

Our Atelierista provided the students with the materials and invited them to work independently for the next few sessions, capturing photographs of their progress. The Senior Kindergarteners used brushes, hands, feet, and arms to cover the cardboard with a melody of colors. Once the base was ready, they collectively decided to start with painting the bridge, which was a big element in Monet's Water Lily Pond painting. Some children worked on fine-tuning the bridge while others painted the blue for the pond, using brushes of all sizes.

monet inspired painting

Despite the enormity of the task, these young artists remained dedicated and focused on achieving their goal. They found painting the flowers to be a relaxing experience, as they didn't have to worry about adding much detail. The final masterpiece is now proudly displayed in our school outside the Kindergarten classrooms, serving as a testament to the children's constructive and purposeful encounters with art and their artistic abilities. The students' experience with Monet's art has allowed them to discover the beauty of artistic expression and find inspiration in the work of one of the most famous Western painters of all time.


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Finding Inspiration in Monet's Art: Nurturing Children's Individual Creativity