Nurtured Nest Nurtured Nest

Women’s Day: Activities with the Children

The children from Sr Kindergarten were particularly interested with Ada Lovelace, a woman who founded computer science! They were fascinated about how she discovered the language used by computers…

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Nurtured Nest Nurtured Nest

Women’s Day: What Are Rights?

Yesterday, the children in our classroom noticed that "Women's Day" was added to our March calendar. When they asked what it was about, I encouraged them to share their thoughts…

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Nurtured Nest Nurtured Nest

Culinary Arts: Pasta Making

When it comes to food, we often associate it with not just the taste and smell, but also the memories that come with it - the people, the place, and the context. Research has revealed that children have a better palate compared to adults, which deteriorates over time…

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