Nurtured Nest Celebrates Earth Day: Eco-Friendly Learning for Preschoolers in Singapore

At Nurtured Nest, we're passionate about nurturing young minds and fostering a deep connection to the natural world. Earth Day provides the perfect opportunity to instil environmental stewardship in our preschoolers while immersing them in outdoor adventures and eco-friendly learning experiences. In this blog post, we'll explore how our preschoolers in Singapore celebrated Earth Day through outdoor exploration, creative activities, and hands-on learning.

Creative Learning Experiences
During our Earth Day celebrations, our preschoolers participated in eco-friendly learning activities that encouraged them to become stewards of the planet. One of the highlights of the day was the painting activity using droppers and coffee filters. This creative endeavor allowed children to experiment with colours and textures while learning about the importance of water conservation. By using droppers to apply watercolor paint to coffee filters, children were able to witness firsthand how water interacts with different materials, fostering curiosity and scientific inquiry.

Reggio Emilia Approach
Our Earth Day celebrations were guided by the Reggio Emilia approach, which values child-led learning and the importance of the environment as the third teacher. Through provocations and open-ended experiences, our preschoolers were encouraged to explore, question, and create, laying the foundation for lifelong learning and environmental responsibility.

Preschool Education in Singapore
Nurtured Nest is committed to providing high-quality preschool education in Singapore that nurtures the whole child and fosters a love for learning and the environment. Our curriculum is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach and incorporates outdoor exploration, hands-on learning, and eco-friendly practices to create a rich and engaging learning environment for our preschoolers.


At Nurtured Nest, Earth Day is more than just a day; it's an opportunity to inspire our preschoolers to become stewards of the planet and advocates for environmental conservation. Through outdoor adventures, eco-friendly learning, and creative experiences, our preschoolers gained valuable insights and skills while deepening their connection to the natural world. As we continue to nurture the next generation of global citizens, we remain committed to instilling a love for learning and the environment in our preschoolers, empowering them to make a positive impact on the world around them.


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